Ticket of the month - November 2021 - Simple Text Query form, registering references, and reference coverage within Participation Reports

November 2021 - ticket of the month

Topic: Simple Text Query form, registering references, and reference coverage within Participation Reports

This month we received a handful of interrelated questions about registering references for existing DOIs. Since it’s been on many of your minds, I’ll cover using our Simple Text Query (STQ) form and then mapping those registrations through to our Participation Reports.

First off, we’ve had a few members who were looking to either retrieve references or register references ask about the linking references functionality in our search interface. The linking references functionality within Crossref Metadata Search is still in beta format, so I highly recommend using STQ for matching your reference lists.

Once at the STQ form, for those members who are retrieving AND depositing references for existing DOIs, we’ve had a number of questions about the username and credentials used on STQ to make deposits. Many of our members who have joined in 2021, are now using personal user credentials that are connected, via an individual’s email address, to a Crossref account or an organization-wide shared role. Those accounts using personal user credentials must enter the username within the STQ form as email address/role.

As a reminder, here are the steps you need to take to register references using STQ:

  1. Start at Simple Text Query
  2. Enter your references into the form. Don’t check List all possible DOIs per reference. Click submit
  3. Select the Deposit button and complete the fields
  • your email address - this is used to send you a submission log after your reference deposit has been processed
  • the parent DOI is the DOI of the content item for which you are adding references. It must already be registered with Crossref
  • your Crossref account credentials
  1. Click Deposit again.

If your details have been entered correctly, you will see a success message, showing that your deposit has been submitted to the system queue for processing. When the reference deposit has been submitted , you will receive an email containing the XML deposit generated by the form. After that submission has been processed (usually within minutes of your submission), you will receive a submission log by email with the results of your submission. If you do not receive two emails as a result of your reference deposit, please contact us at support@crossref.org.

Once you have successfully registered references with us, you should notice an increase in the percentages of DOIs with references (registered) within your Participation Reports. But, that update to your Participation Report can take 24 to 48 hours from your successful registration to appear. There is a lag, but if you’ve registered references, received the successful submission log emails, and are still not seeing an update to your Participation Report within a couple of days, get in touch.

If anything needs to be sorted, we can help. From there, we can celebrate those new numbers within your Participation Report with you!

Thanks for reading,