Thanks a lot. Thats was very helpful. So I found three ways to query a bibtex information
curl -LH "Accept: text/x-bibliography; style=bibtex"
Gives bibtex format with proper title format
@article{2022, title={Accurate Calculation of Rate Constant and Isotope Effect for the F + H2 Reaction by the Coupled 3D Time-Dependent Wave Packet Method on the Newly Constructed Ab Initio Ground Potential Energy Surface}, volume={126}, ISSN={1520-5215}, url={}, DOI={10.1021/acs.jpca.2c01209}, number={21}, journal={The Journal of Physical Chemistry A}, publisher={American Chemical Society (ACS)}, author={Naskar, Koushik and Ghosh, Sandip and Adhikari, Satrajit}, year={2022}, month={May}, pages={3311–3328} }
But this method
curl -LH "Accept: application/x-bibtex"
and this
gives the bibtex in the following fomat where the title is not properly formatted
doi = {10.1021/acs.jpca.2c01209},
url = {},
year = 2022,
month = {may},
publisher = {American Chemical Society ({ACS})},
volume = {126},
number = {21},
pages = {3311--3328},
author = {Koushik Naskar and Sandip Ghosh and Satrajit Adhikari},
title = {Accurate Calculation of Rate Constant and Isotope Effect for the F $\mathplus$ H$\less$sub$\greater$2$\less$/sub$\greater$ Reaction by the Coupled 3D Time-Dependent Wave Packet Method on the Newly Constructed $\less$i$\greater$Ab Initio$\less$/i$\greater$ Ground Potential Energy Surface},
journal = {The Journal of Physical Chemistry A}
I think I will use the first one as that one gives proer fomatted title. Is there any advantages/ disadvantages to using one over the others?