Questions About Transitioning from Email Notifications to other methods for Cited-by

Dear Crossref Support and Community,

Please allow me to post another set of questions regarding the Cited-by service.

I am responsible for system development at the Japan Link Center (JaLC), a Crossref member. We register Crossref DOIs for articles, and each article is included in the Cited-by service.

We have been processing citation notifications from the Cited-by service via email in our system. However, we recognize the uncertainties associated with relying solely on email notifications. As a result, we are now considering transitioning to the callback notification method.

To support this transition, we require additional information. Specifically, we would like to understand the differences between the content sent via email notifications and that sent via callback notifications. Are there any differences in the data provided?

If possible, could you provide examples of the data transmitted through callback notifications? This information would greatly help us as we plan the necessary system modifications.

We are committed to moving forward with this transition and are currently discussing the details with our technical team.

We would greatly appreciate your assistance in this matter.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Hello @ksakai ,

Thanks for this message. See my responses below.

The data is the same. Instead of emailing you a submission log, we instead send that log to you using the callback notification. You can read more here: Notification callback service - Crossref

If possible, could you provide examples of the data transmitted through callback notifications?

We have described this in detail and provided some examples in our documentation at the link above. Take a look at that information and let me know if you have follow-up questions.

Warm regards,

Dear @ifarley ,

Thank you for your clarification and for pointing me to the relevant documentation.

After viewing the documentation, I understand that the CROSSREF-RETRIEVE-URL element in the callback notification provides a link to the information we require.

In discussions with our technical team, an alternative approach was suggested: instead of passively waiting for callback notifications, we could actively use the Crossref API at regular intervals to retrieve citation data.

Before proceeding, we would like to know if Crossref has any recommendations, concerns, or restrictions regarding this approach. For example, is such use of the API discouraged or outside its intended purpose?

Your guidance on this matter would be greatly appreciated as we evaluate the best implementation strategy.

Thank you again for your continued support, and I look forward to your response.

Best regards,

No, absolutely not. We would not discourage you from retrieving cited-by matches from our REST API. There can be up to a 24-hour lag between when reference metadata is registered and when those citation counts are updated in our REST API.

Here’s an example query you can use:,title,is-referenced-by-count

Warm regards,

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Dear Isaac,

Thank you for your clear explanation and for confirming that using the REST API to retrieve cited-by matches is an acceptable approach. The example query you provided is helpful, and I have shared this information with our technical team.

Thank you once again for your valuable guidance and support.

Best regards,

Dear @ifarley ,

Thank you again for your earlier guidance on using the REST API for retrieving cited-by matches. I greatly appreciate your continued support and patience with my follow-up questions.

While reviewing the Cited-by service documentation (Retrieve Citations), I came across the method described as “Retrieve citation matches using HTTPS POST”.

I have a few additional questions regarding this approach:

  1. While I assume there shouldn’t be an issue with using this method to actively and regularly retrieve cited-by information, could you confirm if this is indeed supported?
  2. I understand that Crossref had been planning to develop a new API for citation retrieval but later decided to discontinue that effort.
    Based on this, I assume that this method will remain available and supported in the future. Could you confirm my assumption?
  3. The XML retrieved via this HTTP method appears to use the same schema as the XML received via Email Notifications. Could you also confirm if the content is identical between the two?

I sincerely apologize for the repeated questions and thank you for your invaluable assistance in helping us evaluate the best implementation strategy for our system.

Best regards,

Hello @ksakai ,

See my responses below.

  1. While I assume there shouldn’t be an issue with using this method to actively and regularly retrieve cited-by information, could you confirm if this is indeed supported?

Yes, it is certainly supported.

  1. I understand that Crossref had been planning to develop a new API for citation retrieval but later decided to discontinue that effort.
    Based on this, I assume that this method will remain available and supported in the future. Could you confirm my assumption?

I don’t know that we would say we discontinued the effort for a new API. It’s not on the current roadmap, but I do not believe it is completely shelved. (@mrittman may be able to provide clarity?) I do know that we have no plans to deprecate our members’ ability to retrieve citation matches using HTTPS POST.

  1. The XML retrieved via this HTTP method appears to use the same schema as the XML received via Email Notifications. Could you also confirm if the content is identical between the two?

Yes, that is right. The output between the two are the same.

Warm regards,

Dear @ifarley ,

Thank you for your clear and detailed response. It is very helpful to know that the “Retrieve citation matches using HTTPS POST” method is fully supported and that the XML output matches that of the email notifications.

With this information, our technical team can proceed with their work.

I appreciate your guidance and support.

Warm regards,

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