In 2016, Crossref co-founded a conference called PIDapalooza together with the California Digital Library, DataCite, and ORCID, and we’ve had four in-person meetings since then, always based in Europe. PIDapalooza is named after Lollapalooza which was an American music festival and so even though the subject of the conference is quite serious (persistent identifiers, metadata, and scholarly infrastructure) there are always a lot of fun, interactive, and music-themed sessions and wacky and crazy subjects are encouraged - we have had costumes, puppets, quizzes, card games, poker, gambling, and musical performances in the past!
In January 2021 we will have an online 24-hour “rave” party which means that we can include many guests and speakers from around the world, and we also encourage talks in any language so that people could invite and involve their local communities too. Or a combination English/non-English would be fine too. Each session is 30 minutes and ideally 50% talking and 50% interaction.
We welcome any interesting stories to tell about how metadata and PIDs are perceived, used and any problems or success stories from your world perspectives. You can propose as many sessions as you like!
You can see examples of some talks from January 2020 (in Lisbon) here for inspiration, and the form to propose sessions for January 2021 is here. The deadline is next Friday 6th November and the program committee will review and let you know what’s accepted by the end of November.
Let me know if you have questions and I hope to be attending one of your sessions in January!