My articles within Metadata Manager are displaying as "Draft"...How to get them "Accepted"? (example)

Submitted by: Edita Balladová, Mar 29, 04:06

Dear Support team member,

We are publishing a scientific journal Physiological Research. I have attended webinar “for begginers” and then submitted 15 articles into Metadata Manager and move them into Deposit on March 22.

However, after several days, the articles appeared back in Draft, not Accepted. May I ask you where is the problem? I move that 15 articles again into Deposit on 26 and 27 March.

Thank you for help,

With kind regards,

Edita Balladová

Paul Davis, Crossref support, responded Mar 29 08:14

Many thanks for your email.

When you move them into deposit, you would then need to go into the ‘To Deposit’ section and click on the deposit button to actually submit the metadata to us.

All of the help documentation for Metadata Manager can be found here:

Best regards,

Paul Davis
Technical Support Specialist

Edita Balladová, responded Apr 05 08:49

Dear Paul,

Thank you for your help with submitting data,
I have followed [](<, however, I am still not sure about Online date of article publishing: I suppose Online date is the date, when a final version of an article appears on the Internet (as pdf file on our journal web pages) is that right? (We do not give Doi number to our pre-press versions, which are on the Internet as Epub Ahead of Print months before final version publishing).

Thanks a lot,
Kind regards,

Edita Balladova

Paul Davis, Crossref support, responded Apr 05 08:54

Hello Edita,

Many thanks for your email.

Yes that is is correct, the online date would be when it was published online. There is no requirement that this date is included in the metadata as long as one of the publication date fields is present.

I hope this helps and if you have any further question or queries on this then please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Many thanks,

Paul Davis
Technical Support Specialist

Edita Balladová, responded Apr 05 09:02

Dear Paul,

Thank you for your prompt reply.

Hi everyone!

a member contacted me showing the following error: the dois were deposited, the registration shows as accepted, the dois are working properly but it keeps showing as “pending” on the “To Deposit” at Metadata Manager. This member even redeposited the content but nothing changed.

Since the dois are perfectly working, I guess it is not a big deal, but I thought it would be better to post here and have a technical view on this instead of just me guessing:)

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Hello everyone. This pending in Metadata Manager is related to some field or characters that have been incorporated that do not work in JSON. So they are deposited and stopped at the MM. Only request support here or via email which will be solved and will end in MM.

Hi Bruna,

Thanks for posting this question. When we built Metadata Manager we did not envision members registering several dozens of journal articles with a single deposit. We thought our members would use the tool to register a few articles at a time - up to about 15 or so with one submission. And, Metadata Manager works best with that volume of content.

So, what’s happening here is that those 28 articles have indeed been registered, but Metadata Manager has timed out when trying to remove the 28 articles itself from the deposit cart. That’s why we have added this text below the deposit cart number that says “add up to 20.” We find that for most users and Metadata Manager accounts that 20 is the most articles that can be submitted at one time before triggering this behavior or similar errors. Submitting smaller batches of articles at a time works best with Metadata Manager.

For user ‘rdae’, I have cleared their deposit cart and submissions are again processing without getting hung up in the deposit cart. You or other members can do this yourself by simply clicking on the remove link for articles that might get stuck in the cart in the future.

My best,



Thank youuu! @ifarley ofc you had an answer for that :joy:

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