Gostaria de saber se existe alguma forma de visualizar a lista de todos os DOIs que foram depositados através de um prefixo específico.
Gostaria de saber se existe alguma forma de visualizar a lista de todos os DOIs que foram depositados através de um prefixo específico.
Hello @LinceuEditorial ,
Thanks for your message. Yes, our REST API is probably the best place to retrieve a list of all DOIs registered against a prefix. You can do that by going here: https://0-api-crossref-org.lib.rivier.edu/prefixes/10.53855/works?select=DOI,title,type&rows=1000
You may wish to download a JSON formatter for your browser in order to best view this information. I use this extension for Google Chrome, but there are other extensions and other browsers, so I encourage you to find one that is right for you: JSON Formatter - Chrome Web Store
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Kind regards,
Thanks for sharing such a helpful instruction, really appreciate for your article.
Thank you @FearlessJudge, and welcome to the community forum!