Genre Error on DOI Submission ISCRAM

I have two problems.

(1) I tried to register around 80 submissions using the OJS plugin and I got similar error as below. Could someone help me fix the problem:

ISSN “24113387” has already been assigned, title/issn: Proceedings of the International ISCRAM Conference/24113387 is assigned to another genre: CONFERENCE_PROCEEDING_SERIES

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<doi_batch_diagnostic status=“completed” sp=“bstn-prod-ds-05”>
<record_diagnostic status=“Failure” msg_id=“22”>
all doi’s under the current journal element
ISSN “24113387” has already been assigned, title/issn: Proceedings of the International ISCRAM Conference/24113387 is assigned to another genre: CONFERENCE_PROCEEDING_SERIES

I think someone should remove the ISSN from the record associated with the conference series so I can try to reprocess all submissions again.

(2) I can see from the OJS report for four items on the list that “This item has been manually registered with a registration agency.” What does this mean? First I thought these items are registered so the DOI works but when I clicked on the DOI link I got the error that the “DOI not found”. For instance, OJS shows registered for this record: but when clicking on it, you’ll get DOI is not found. What should I do with these items? I cannot edit the DOIs for these items. ( ( ( (

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Hello! I have updated your title record to permit the deposits. I also reran 84 submissions all from Oct 15. Let me know if you’d like me to follow up on any specific DOIs that are missing.

To answer your second question, a manual registration with a registration agency would mean that XML exported from OJS would have been sent to a DOI registration agency, such as Crossref. You should be able to select them and run ‘Deposit’ again, just like you do when you are updating the metadata for a DOI. Or, you can select the article and then select the checkbox for ‘Validate XML…’ Then select ‘Download XML’.
With the XML you can deposit yourself using the Admin portal or send to us at Support to deposit for you.

Warm regards,

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