DOIs Do Not Work

Dear Sir,
I have published four issues. The first and second issues show their DOIs and are properly working, but the third and fourth issues’ DOIs are not working. Please let me know how to solve this problem. I am using the OJS system.

Hello @niazali ,

Thanks for your message, and welcome to the community forum. We’re happy to help. Could you let us know what your username and/or DOI prefix is so we can take a closer look?

Thanks in advance,

Dear Sir,

I have an article published in 2020. This article has a DOI assigned but is not and never has been working.
DOI: 10.33155/j.ramd.2020.03.005

Can you tell me why this is happening and how can I resolve the matter please?

Many thanks and best regards,
Alexandre Cordeiro

Hi Alexandre,

The DOI 10.33155/j.ramd.2020.03.005 is registered with Crossref. It’s searchable in our Metadata Search ( as seen here

And it’s indexed in our APIs, e.g.

However, the resolution URL that the publisher provided for that article is:

So, when a user resolves the DOI 10.33155/j.ramd.2020.03.005 by using the proxy URL they are redirected to the publisher-provided landing page

However, whether you resolve the DOI or go to that URL directly, you get to a 404 Not Found error. That means the publisher submitted the wrong URL when they registered (or updated) that DOI. And, only the publisher themselves can correct that. They will need to submit a URL update to Crossref for that DOI.

I’d encourage you to reach out to the publisher - Centro Andaluz de Medicina del Deporte - for the fastest possible response. We can also pass your concerns along to our contacts at that organization.


Hi Shayn,

Thank you very much for your quick response and clarification.

I will contact the publisher and raise awareness of this issue.

Once again, thank you very much for your help.

Best Regards
Alexandre Cordeiro

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Hi Shayn, hope you are well.

So far I have not received any response from the publisher.
In line with your previous message, may I ask you to reinforce and convey my concerns to your contacts in that organization?

Thank you very much for your help.

Best Regards
Alexandre Cordeiro

Hi Alexandre,

I have contacted the publisher, Centro Andaluz de Medicina del Deporte. Publishers vary quite widely in their responsiveness and response time, but we’ll do our best to get their attention.


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Hi Shayn, hope you are well.

Thank so much for your reply and your help.

Best Regards
Alexandre Cordeiro

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