Following on from our preview of a new relationships endpoint, we are in the process of adding further query filters and data to bring it up to a production-ready level. In the next stage we will be focused on supporting data citation. This is an area that we have committed to supporting, including in a recent blog post.
Over the coming weeks we will be ingesting all of the data citation metadata we hold (coming both from our members and DataCite), adding features to allow easy navigation of results, and putting the type into subjects and objects so that citations of datasets can be easily identified and filtered.
We have previously supported data citations through Event Data, including an endpoint in Scholix format. This data has been used by DataCite, OpenAire, and others to build up a picture of how data is used and reused by the community. The new endpoint will be more stable and provide data going back more than the 18 months or so that is currently available.
If you want to see an early version of the endpoint that we are building on, check out the previous post.