Book license included in chapter license

Hi :wave: On ResearchEquals we register all our research modules as book chapters, upon recommendation from CR (because of schema limitations at this time), but we just discovered that the book license is included in the book chapter as well, without being included in the registration metadata.

This is rather confusing to us (in metadata retrieval), plus we’ve noticed some discrepancies with others ingesting our info (taking the more lenient license; e.g. ResearchGate). For example:

"license": [
                "start": {
                    "date-parts": [
                    "date-time": "2023-07-13T00:00:00Z",
                    "timestamp": 1689206400000
                "content-version": "vor",
                "delay-in-days": 0,
                "URL": ""
                "start": {
                    "date-parts": [
                    "date-time": "2023-07-13T00:00:00Z",
                    "timestamp": 1689206400000
                "content-version": "vor",
                "delay-in-days": 0,
                "URL": ""

Can someone help me understand why this license is included there, when it is not explicitly registered for the DOI? Ideally, if we register one license I would expect one license to show up in the metadata, instead of having the book license added without any indication that would happen.

Thanks for taking the time to read :blush:

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Hi Chris,

Thanks for your post! I believe this may be related to a known bug. Can you provide me with an example DOI so I can confirm?


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Of course - it happens for example for DOI 10.53962/m95v-7drc.

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the example. Yes, we’re aware of this bug. We’re working on a more global fix about how these records are represented. That said, I have documented this specific problem here: [CR-1369] - Jira. As you can see form the details in that ticket, we’ve been aware of it for a while, and are now working on that aforementioned fix.

Warm regards,

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