A ROR-some update to our API - Crossref

Earlier this year, Ginny posted an exciting update on Crossref’s progress with adopting ROR, the Research Organization Registry for affiliations, announcing that we’d started the collection of ROR identifiers in our metadata input schema. 🦁

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://0-www-crossref-org.lib.rivier.edu/blog/a-ror-some-update-to-our-api/
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Hi Rachel - This is great! Two questions:
Will ROR IDs for affiliations make their way into CrossMark?
Is it possible to filter on a ROR ID and combine that with other filters, to e.g., find works from a specific institution with a specified funder ID?

Rob O’Donnell
Rockefeller University Press

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Hi Rob! That’s an interesting question about CrossMark – I don’t know the answer to that, but can find out. It’s definitely possible to combine filters for ROR IDs with other filters. One sec and I’ll give you some examples, including if possible the one you asked for …

So here are some sample API queries with ROR IDs and other filters and facets:

The API documentation might help you too, but I’m happy to construct more queries for you if you like. Does that help?

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Super helpful! And quick! Thanks so much, Amanda!


Hi @robod – I’ve asked whether ROR IDs will make their way into Crossmark, and the answer is basically Probably, yes, but it will take awhile. Development on a new widget with more metadata is planned to begin at the end of this year, and that will almost certainly include ROR IDs for author affiliations and funder organizations.